My personal view is that better performance is achieved from a dog if it has the ability to focus and concentrate. To this end I favour one to one training. I like to utilise real life practical areas to train in, such as a client's local park, but also being mindful that training needs to be appropriate to age, ability and experience.
My training is geared to suit all breeds of dog and usually starts with a home visit to get as much background information as I can; What motivates the dog? Any significant events that have shaped the dogs behaviour? Is it reactive? Thereafter, it is often out to the park to put theory into practice. In addition to my one to one training sessions, I have given numerous presentations on dog behaviour as a guest speaker to local groups including scouts and schools.
I am always open to "How long will it take?" questions, but there are so many variables to consider, for example the ability of the dog, the commitment of the owner and the time available for training. I take one session at a time with no pressure to book multiple sessions, and I always say that you can book as many or as few as you would like.
Dog training and our understanding of canine behaviour have moved on significantly in the last 20 years. Outdated methods using harsh treatment and compliance have been replaced by a more enlightened rewards-based approach. Andy passionately embraces aversive free training, enjoying wonderful relationships with the dogs he works with based on trust, motivation and fun.
Andy has been keen to add a professional behavioural qualification to his practical training experience to continue his own CPD. To this end, he was accepted onto the prestigious Advanced Diploma in Applied Canine Behaviour course in 2020. The course was split into 12 modules, each looking in depth at different aspects of canine behaviour ranging from learning theory and genetics to evolution and professional conduct. Each module required detailed research, referenced and presented in essay form. The standard was demanding, but ultimately rewarding with Andy successfully completing the course in 2023.
A home visit either before or shortly after puppy's arrival is highly recommended. This hour and a half session is an opportunity to discuss best practice, working through questions and answers.
Priced at £110
My standard training session is an hours duration, usually at a local park with the aim of addressing one or more of the following; recall, heelwork, dog manners and reactivity. Pricing is determined by the complexity of the dog's issues.
Priced from £75
A systematic look at all aspects of the dog's daily structure to determine underlying issues. This hour and a half session will be followed up with an email summary with advice.
Priced at £110